Arrival in Belgium
I arrived in Belgium yesterday after a long and sleepless travel from chicago to London to Brussel to Hertsbege. The trip went well with few problems other than a delay in London. I made my self stay up to about 11pm Belgium time to start getting my body accustomed to the 6hr time difference. I slept like a rock and woke up at 9am. I woke up and built my bike and Justin Hale took me on a short 1hr ride. I went over my first coblestone rode, it was pretty cool and bumpy as hell. Racing on this stuff is truely going to be difficult. I just got back from the grocery store and that would have been a pain in the ass if Ron and Evan hadn't taken me and shown me some of the stuff i needed to buy and more importanty what not to buy. There is a bakery and a butcher in the small town we are in only a few hundred meters away. I can have frest bread and meat whenever i want. Well that is all for now, stay tuned for more updates, i will have plenty of time to write with all the down time inbetween riding and racing so send me emails if you want to chat. Thanks for reading.
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